Spare Car Keys Toyota

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Spare Car Keys Toyota

In case you’ve misplaced all the keys for your Toyota or you simply need an extra key, we can produce brand new keys for you. The model of Toyota you drive does not really matter as we’re adept at making keys for the Rav4, Hilux, Corolla, Hiace, Yaris, Aurion, Landcruiser, Camry, or any other brand of Toyota.

Programming a new key for some older models of Toyota would involve removing the immobilizer unit or ECU on your car. This is an arduous task that most locksmiths shy away from, but our expertise, technical know-how, and advanced equipment at Emergency Locksmith Perth gives us the confidence to take on this task and get your Toyota back on the road quickly and without any hassles.

There’s an extra security feature on the latest models of the Toyota. So if your Toyota has a G stamped on its key and that happens to be your only key, then it’s high time that you move quickly. If you’re unlucky to misplace all the keys to your G-chip system, then the process of programming new keys for your Toyota will be costly and laborious. The only way to program a spare key on the G-chip system is if an existing key is obtainable. If you lose all the keys without a spare, your only option is for the engine and immobilizer ECU inside the dash to be replaced, and this procedure will cost thousands of dollars at your local Toyota dealer.

To know how we can assist you to save money on your replacement or spare set of Toyota keys, give us a call now! And if you would fancy a Toyota remote key, let us know by filling in the necessary details in the form provided.


The VIN is an alphanumeric code comprising of numbers and letters – about 17 digits – which can be found on your vehicle’s paper works or on the vehicle itself. In a situation where it is difficult to find, take a look in your vehicle’s registration papers, stickers, or log books. You can also check on the back firewall of your vehicle’s engine bay.

If you are in doubt as to whether your vehicle has a transponder chip or not, please give us a call with the necessary car details on hand. Our pleasant customer service team is always available to assist you.


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