Lost Car Keys Mazda

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Lost Car Keys Mazda

Mazda is one of the much-loved car brands on Australian roads and our services at Emergency Locksmith Perth specifically covers producing spare or replacement keys for all Mazda makes and models.

You don’t have to worry if you’ve misplaced all your Mazda keys – the team of master locksmiths at Emergency Locksmith Perth will handle the situation. With the experience and know-how gained over the years, we can supply you with a stylish remote key that’s just like the original, and more remarkably, we’ll do this at a fraction of the usual cost at your local Mazda dealership.

Making key replacements for Mazda models like the 626, BT-50 (2006 – 2011), 121, and 323 can be a complex process – it requires the removal of your vehicle ECU for a new key to be programmed and most locksmiths avoid this task. However, we take a lot of pride in our work at Emergency Locksmith Perth, so we’ll definitely get you back on the road quickly and with some finesse too!

To order your Mazda replacement key, fill out your details correctly for a free quote. Your vehicle VIN, model, and year are important details too, so don’t forget to include them.


The VIN is an alphanumeric code comprising of numbers and letters – about 17 digits – which can be found on your vehicle’s paper works or on the vehicle itself. In a situation where it is difficult to find, take a look in your vehicle’s registration papers, stickers, or log books. You can also check on the back firewall of your vehicle’s engine bay.

If you are in doubt as to whether your vehicle has a transponder chip or not, please give us a call with the necessary car details on hand. Our pleasant customer service team is always available to assist you.


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